

Board Certified Dermatologist & Mohs Surgeons located in Las Vegas, Las Vegas and Henderson, NV and St. George, UT


About Rosacea

Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness, visible blood vessels, and bumps on the nose, cheeks, and forehead. The experts at Vivida Dermatology in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada, and St. George, Utah, specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of rosacea. Vivida Dermatology develops personalized rosacea treatment plans specific to your skin type and needs. To schedule a rosacea appointment with the team, call the office or book an appointment online today.

Rosacea Q&A

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels on the face. It may also cause pus-filled bumps. You may mistakenly dismiss the common skin condition as general ruddiness or adult acne. 

Rosacea can affect anyone. However, you may be at a greater risk of developing the skin condition if it runs in your family. 

What are the types of rosacea?

Dermatologists classify rosacea into types depending on symptoms. The rosacea types include:

Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea

With erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, your skin may flush easily, and you may notice visible blood vessels and redness on your nose, cheeks, or forehead.  

Papulopustular rosacea

If you have pus-filled bumps on your face, in addition to the redness and blood vessels, then you have papulopustular rosacea.

Phymatous rosacea

People with phymatous rosacea have thickening of the skin on their noses and cheeks. This type of rosacea is uncommon. 

Ocular rosacea

Ocular rosacea is a type of rosacea that affects the eyes. Symptoms may include red, itchy eyes, and eyelid swelling. You may also develop a stye, which is a painful red bump that forms along the ridge of your eyelid. 

What happens during a rosacea consultation?

You can expect a patient-focused evaluation when you come in for a rosacea consultation at Vivida Dermatology.

During the evaluation, your provider asks detailed questions about your symptoms and if you notice that certain activities (physical exercise) or environmental factors (weather changes) trigger the skin condition. They also review your medical and family history and examine your skin. 

The experts at Vivida Dermatology diagnose rosacea after a visual examination. However, they may run medical tests, such as testing for allergies or an autoimmune condition, to rule out other causes that might explain your symptoms.

How is rosacea treated?

The team at Vivida Dermatology takes a patient-focused approach to care. The primary treatment for rosacea focuses on lifestyle changes to minimize flare-ups. Your provider may help you find and avoid your rosacea triggers and talk to you about rosacea-friendly skin care to minimize irritation. The dermatologists also recommend daily sunscreen. 

For a flare-up, your provider may prescribe topical medications to treat your symptoms. In some cases, they may also prescribe an oral antibiotic.  

For expert care that can help remedy rosacea flare-ups, call Vivida Dermatology, or request an appointment online today.